26 Maret 2013

task softskill week 3

Name : Desy mulanda sari

Class : 3eb03

task softskill week 3



 trip in Bogor, if with me


3. A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should tis visitor go on that day? Why? Use spesific reason and examples to support your choice ?

Answer :
       In one day, visitors should go to visit or spend time in our country, we have prepared the schedule include:
       In the morning when getting ready for visitors and breakfast in the morning in preparation for round trip with breakfast at the hotel Bogor in Bogor Pangrango pakuan region that has the charm of a typical city of Bogor and Bogor meals are served
        After breakfast and preparing goods then we are ready to go from the hotel Pangrango to go jogging in Bogor botanical garden one terawatt historic place full of cool and historic values ​​of the forest in the middle of the city at the heart of the city and the beauty bogor
         Not long finish further jogging by visiting the store sofenir Bogor in Bogor botanical garden then return to the hotel for a short break and change
Around 12 out of the hotel to have lunch at the park restaurant jungle buoyant charm and beautiful bogor street after a meal is complete go to the summit to climb paragliding bogor bogor in peaks
        Then enjoy a relaxing view of the tea garden, about 3 hours away to refresh the body to come to a waterfall and a hot shower
When finished go eat a hot bath in the restaurant's safari park bogor relax until about 7pm preparing to enter into the night safari park that held the night safari that will surely please
Having finished the night safari go to shopping in outlet Bogor famous and very famous brand in pity to miss out on
         When finished shopping plaza Pangrango back to the hotel for a break if you want to relax the hotel offers exciting entertainment and beautiful so that visitors will not forget the city of Bogor

17 Maret 2013

task softskill week 2

Name : Desy mulanda sari

Class : 3eb03

task softskill week 2

2. some people say that computer have made easier and convenient. Other people say that computer have made live more complex and stressfull ?


a.               People say that computer have made easier and convenient

yes, i'm agree with computer have made easier and convenient 

Computer is a communication tool that allows people to make work, duty, matter, study, drawing, calculators, communication, the outside world and all the information related in the world can we reach quickly and easily

Because the computer has many advantages and ease in my work ranging from coursework, selling clothes online via the Internet, a lot of information that I can find the file in the form of knowledge and resources are reliable, easy to train flight bookings, tickets are on sale online More

Computer really very easy to treat with small things find recipes and information, we also get to see vidio sites available through the site are there no songs have to do it the manual way and complicate ranging from buying old tapes and limited view also need the communication media tv and dvd with connecting wires and make a lot of confused


Nama : Desy mulanda sari
Kelas : 3eb03


·         Mudah berteman dengan siapa saja
·         Melihat keadaan baik atau buruk tidak dari 1 sisi saja
·         Tidak mudah putus asa
·         Percaya diri dalam bergaul, beradapasi  dengan lingkungan baru
·         Fokus dalam mengerjakan sesuatu
·         Sangat teliti dengan kebersihan kamar
·         Berani dengan hewan apa pun
·         Tetap pada pendirian, keyakinan yang kuat
·         Cepat tangap
·         Menjadi teman yang setia
·         Pendengar yang baik
·         Berpenampilan cukup
·         Berani berbicara di lingkungan
·         Afeksi cukup baik peka
·         Penjaga rahasia ( tidak comel )
·         Mudah memaafkan
·         Ungul dalam segi logika
·         Bertangung jawab pada diri sendiri
·         Tidak dapat menghapal terlalu banyak. Sangat pelupa
·         Panik saat berbicara pada orang banyak, misal di depan kelas
·         Kurang cepat dalam belajar bahasa apapun
·         Kurang suka membaca
·         Memiliki ketakutan akan ketinggian
·         Tidak memiliki jiwa bisnis
·         Emosional
·         Buruk sangka
·         Ceroboh
·         Selalu mengantuk dan malas mandi
·         Sulit membagi waktu
·         Egosi selalu ingin di mengerti
·         Kurang kreatif
·         Malas bersolek
·         Boros dalam keuangan
·         Susah mengingat nama teman baru
·         Lambat dalam menentukan keputusan
·         Malas membaca
·         Kurang interaktif di kelas

·         Fasilitas dari suami saya yang sangat memadai yang saya mangfaat kan dengan baik
·         Fasilitas kampus yang saya mangfaatkan dengan baik
·         Perteman yang baik sangat mendukung tingkat semangat belajar
·         Perubahan nilai pajak khususnya penghasilan
·         Segera mempunyai anak
·         Pekerjaan sudah menunggu setelah saya lulus
·         Perkembangan teknologi baru

·         Fisik saya mudah terkena flu di perubahan cuaca
·         Goyah nya rumah tangga
·         Lulusan perguruan tinggi yang bonafit
·         Tenaga kerja yang kompeten
·         Banyak nya tugas kuliah saya merasa sulit
·         Meningkatnya persaingan lulusan sarjana baru
·         Kurangnya pengalaman pekerjaan
·         Kuota PNS, tapi lebih mengutamakan tenaga kerja honorer
·         Lapangan pekerjaan padat modal
·         Banyak KKN di semua bidang
·         Penghasilan tidak sesuai yang di harapkan
·         Persaingan dalam berbahasa
·         Pengurangan lapangan pekerjaan
·         Penolakan bank melamar pekerjaan yang sudah menikah

strategi untuk bisa diimplementasikan mulai sekarang hingga 3 tahun ke depan.

·         Strategi 1 tahun ke depan           :
a)      Fokus kuliah, mengejar target IPK minimal 3.5
b)      Mengerjakan tugas-tugas kuliah sebaik mungkin
c)      Melatih kemandirian dengan berbisnis kecil-kecilan
d)      Rajin latihan modelling
e)      Dapat membagi waktu dengan baik antara bermain dengan kuliah dan bisnis
f)       Lebih banyak melatih jiwa sosialisasi
g)      Mengikuti kegiatan intra dan ekstra kampus untuk melatih kepercayaan diri
h)      Bertanggung jawab dalam segala hal

·         Strategi 2 tahun ke depan :
a)        Lulus kuliah tepat waktu
b)        Memperbanyak relasi dalam berbagai hal
c)        Memperbesar bisnis
d)        Banyak melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang positif
e)          Mempunyai anak    
f)         Disiplin waktu
g)        Bertanggung jawab
h)        Magang di tempat yang sesuai harapan dan kemampuan (skill)

·         Strategi 3 tahun ke depan :
a)      Mendapatkan pekerjaan yang mapan
b)      Memiliki kehidupan yang mapan
c)      Memiliki berbagai macam usaha (kuliner,wedding organizer,butik dll)
d)      Memiliki rumah dan kehidupan layak untuk masa depan anak anak


minggu 1
Perkenalan dan Pembuatan judul penelitian
minggu 2
minggu 3
minggu 4
minggu 5
minggu 6
refisi dan pemantapan
minggu 7
refisi dan pemantapan
minggu 8
sidang D3

12 Maret 2013

task softskill week 1

Nama        :     Desy mulanda sari
Kelas         :     3eb03
NPM         :     21210866
Matakul     :     Bahasa Inggrs Bisnis 2#

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? grades (marks) encourage student to learn. Use the specific reason and exampel to support your opinion.


My reason of the above
 Yeah, I agree.

      I agree because the value for a very influential for students in the spirit of good value will trigger the spirit of learning, the value will make the lazy poor teachers meet if they received a good value likely to try to change and maintain good grades to pursue a low value, if the given value either at the beginning of learning more challenging spirit gets good grades
A good value increasing confidence values ​​in socializing and more afraid to learn to keep getting what the objectives of students if a student scores low-level lazy and do not believe in self-esteem

      All students who wish nothing bad grades because students after completion of education goals will be to work in a company for survival in the future and be able to run fast for a better life in the future students should get good grades, to learn, create tasks, practical lessons, conducted research, and all that will dI do to get the good value for a final value of an education, not least initially disliked the lessons to be learned to get good value also for the future.

    Conclusions from the above statement that a value is very influential for students because the end of a student's education for a good value for the value of a diploma to get a job in accordance with the appropriate education on the road

1. With good grades each student will try to learn better value for the certificate in the can

2. Students may or easy to get a good job because in addition to graduate student has won also gained value or high IPK.


About Me

Foto Saya
desy mulanda sari
bogor, jawa barat, Indonesia
percayalah semua coban hanyalah gretakan dalam hidup yang harus kita jalani syukuri dan hadapi dengan lapang dada .tidak ada usaha yang terbuang sia sia
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